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Top Wireless, Invisible, & Electric Dog Fences


Does An Invisible Dog Fence Work? We Ask the Experts!: Part One

Dog in Farm

We sat down recently with a doctor to ask her opinion on invisible dog fence. There are a lot of pet owners who have one. We wanted to know if they worked or not. According to her, she is not a big fan. However, that is not going to stop her for arguing in favor of those who already have one.


"I am not here to offer an opinion on whether or not they are evil. I am here to deliver the facts and what you need to know. I am not a fa, but that should not stop you from doing what you feel is right for your pet".


1) The upsides


Most people buy them to make sure their dog has a more active life outside. It allows them to be free and do what they need to do. The puppies can run outside and play without feeling like they spend their whole life on a leash. In short, it gives them more freedom.


The older dogs can run and play, but they can also go to the bathroom outside with feeling the need to come inside the house. Dogs do not want to parade back and forth just to go to the bathroom.


2) The Downsides


These are merely "potential downsides" as to what might happen. The shock could provide an aggressive or fear-based response in your pet. The dog might feel apprehensive about going to that focal point in the yard. The shock system might be effective, but it can also be scary, depending on the dog you have.

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